Wednesday, October 14, 2009

BRAINSTORM (....ouch... ouch!.... what the hail?)

These are ideas. I have no idea what I will study, and I plan on entering the field with ideas. These are premortal ideas.
I will (probably) go to Dharamsala, India to conduct a field study. I am currently an undergraduate and open major. I plan to claim English (focusing on rhetoric) as a major, and minor in nutrition- but the truth is that i'm interested in everything. But, I want to apply for a grant by the end of this month, so I'm narrowing.

Some possible projects that tickle my inner dork-
  • Nutrition's effect on creating a community and validating Tibetan culture in exile
  • How the idea of love is portrayed in Tibetan love stories (compared to western literature)
  • The Tibetan narrative compared to western narrative
  • The Tibetian Epic?
  • Tibetan rhetoric in Tibetan folk song- organic rhetorical devices and how they differ from western rhetoric
  • Tibetan Ethics- practiced and observed
  • Rhetoric in Tibetan Buddhist teachings
  • Hang out in a convent and see what happens
  • Tibetan folklore/mythology/astrology
  • Nutrition and Sustainability- practices of the community in McLeod Ganj
And- inner dork is not a bad thing. In fact, I tap into it frequently. Its almost a zen.
The inner dork loves to wear snowboarding goggles when she rides her bike to school. The rain is just an excuse.

The ORCA grant is due by the end of october- I need to write a two page proposal and select a professor/mentor to work with through my entire project. I have talked to my rhetoric prof, my british literature prof, and my lit theory and critisim prof about possibly being a mentor and they all have the time. I will select one of these projects to write the orca grant about, and write up a proposal for the professor I choose to work with.
I'm thinking i'll go with my literary theory prof- i like her a lot, she is a midevilist, she can speak old english, she knows a lot of stuff about things and crap, AND if i do choose narritive/literature to study, theory and critical acceptance of language is rhetorical. :)

what do you think of the possible project ideas? suggestions? insights?


  1. There are lots of really good ideas here. What would the Tibetan Epic look like?

  2. If it were me ( your dad signed in on mom's account) I would study Tibetan popular poetry and song as a form of ancestral rememberance and/or as a mechanism to institutionalize Tibetan cultural


    Look at the Tibetan oral history project for ideas

  3. You are smart I'm not. I like the hang out in a convent idea and the nutrition ideas because I like food. Good luck.

    You had dinner with my missionary kid at your Grandma's in Idaho. I feel like I know you in a 6 degrees of seperation kind of way.

  4. how about a comparative study of hot indian men and hot american men. measure biceps, count abs on the washboard, calculate the true depth of a killer set of bedroom eyes...

    no? too shallow? eh... whattaya want from a gal who calls herself "khandrea".

    ps i actually do have a couple of contacts with an organization called "rising star outreach". you can check them out here
    and as an added bonus, i recently learned mr. DAVID ARCHULETA is lending his fame to their name. does that just give you chills? no? k. got it.

  5. I like your ideas, and I like your dad's ideas.

    But most I just want to know--will you take me with you?

  6. Hey.

    I am a friend of your moms. Here's my idea. Go to India and study Ayurvedic nutrition. And instead of hanging out in a convent and seeing what happens (my favorite of your ideas, actually) hang out out in an ashram. Check out Katyayani Poole - if you add her on as a friend on facebook you can see all her websites and such - I know she is planning a pilgrimage to India in the summer. She would be an amazing resource for you concerning all things India.
